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30 October, 2013

A cheap, powerful digital microscope using your smartphone and an old laser pointer ($20)

Believe it or not, the curved screen on the Samsung Galaxy Round smartphone isn’t just a marketing gimmick: The curvature actually causes a series of optical effects that result in improved contrast, color accuracy, readability, and overall image quality

The biggest barrier, though, is likely to be commercial adoption. It’s impossible to ignore the market’s direction towards thinner, lighter, cheaper, and thus more-integrated devices. Apple’s latest Retina MacBook Pros are probably the least-upgradeable PCs ever devised, and yet they seem to be doing just fine commercially.

Under the proposal from the Australian Competition & Consumer Commission, consumer internet speeds would be tested to provide a snapshot on the present state of Australia's broadband services. The ACCC says the monitoring system would allow customers to better gauge the quality of broadband services before moving into an area or joining an internet service provider.

TREASURER Joe Hockey has ruled out the involvement of Chinese telecommunications firm Huawei in the National Broadband Network following fresh ASIO advice to the government.

The company then conducted a number of automated tests, one of which measured the accuracy of the touch panel and found what Apple users have probably long suspected - iPhones might be fast but they lag behind in touch accuracy.